📚 Syllabus


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Physics Kotha is your go-to platform for concept explanations, problem-solving techniques, experiments, and real-world applications of physics. Whether you're a high school student (Class XI & XII), a BSc/MSc student, or a curious learner, our blog is designed to make physics simple, engaging, and easy to master!

📚 NCERT Physics Syllabus for Class XI & XII

📌 Class XI NCERT Physics Syllabus

Unit I: Physical World and Measurement

  1. Physical world – Scope & nature of physics
  2. Units and Measurements – Fundamental & derived units, errors, significant figures

Unit II: Kinematics

  1. Motion in a Straight Line – Speed, velocity, acceleration, graphs
  2. Motion in a Plane – Scalars & vectors, projectile motion, relative motion

Unit III: Laws of Motion

  1. Newton’s Laws – Inertia, force, friction

Unit IV: Work, Energy, and Power

  1. Work & Energy – Work-energy theorem, kinetic & potential energy

Unit V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

  1. Rotational Motion – Centre of mass, torque, moment of inertia

Unit VI: Gravitation

  1. Universal Law of Gravitation – Acceleration due to gravity, satellite motion

Unit VII: Properties of Bulk Matter

  1. Mechanical Properties of Solids – Elasticity, stress-strain
  2. Mechanical Properties of Fluids – Pressure, buoyancy, Bernoulli’s theorem
  3. Thermal Properties of Matter – Heat transfer, thermal expansion

Unit VIII: Thermodynamics

  1. Laws of Thermodynamics – Heat engines, entropy

Unit IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

  1. Kinetic Theory of Gases – Pressure, temperature, degrees of freedom

Unit X: Oscillations and Waves

  1. Oscillations – SHM, energy in SHM
  2. Waves – Types of waves, wave speed, Doppler effect

📌 Class XII NCERT Physics Syllabus

Unit I: Electrostatics

  1. Electric Charges & Fields – Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s theorem
  2. Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance – Potential, capacitors

Unit II: Current Electricity

  1. Ohm’s Law, Resistance, Kirchhoff’s laws

Unit III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  1. Moving Charges & Magnetism – Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law
  2. Magnetism & Matter – Earth’s magnetism

Unit IV: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

  1. Electromagnetic Induction – Faraday’s laws, Lenz’s law
  2. AC Circuits – RMS value, reactance

Unit V: Electromagnetic Waves

  1. Maxwell’s equations, EM spectrum

Unit VI: Optics

  1. Ray Optics – Reflection, refraction, lens formula
  2. Wave Optics – Huygens’ principle, interference

Unit VII: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

  1. Photoelectric Effect – Einstein’s equation

Unit VIII: Atoms and Nuclei

  1. Atomic Models – Bohr’s theory
  2. Nuclear Physics – Radioactivity, fission & fusion

Unit IX: Semiconductor Electronics

  1. Semiconductors – Diodes, transistors, logic gates

Unit X: Communication Systems

  1. Modulation, transmission of signals

🎓 BSc Physics (Undergraduate Level)

✔️ Classical Mechanics & Electrodynamics
✔️ Thermal & Statistical Physics
✔️ Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Physics
✔️ Mathematical & Computational Physics
✔️ Electronics & Solid-State Physics
✔️ Optics, Waves, and Lasers

🎓 MSc Physics (Postgraduate Level)

✔️ Advanced Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics
✔️ Electromagnetic Theory & Relativity
✔️ Nuclear & Plasma Physics
✔️ Condensed Matter Physics
✔️ Astrophysics & Cosmology
✔️ Experimental Physics & Research Methodologies

💡 Join us on this journey to master physics at every level! Stay tuned for weekly blogs, solved problems, research insights, and interactive discussions.

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