How to understand Physics ? A guide for beginner.

Ranjan Das

 Introduction to Understanding Physics

The tool for comprehending how this cosmos functions is physics. The movement of the galaxy, our solar system, the planets, the vehicles, our bodies, the blood flowing through our blood vessels, and so forth. Even our daily lives begin with physics. For example, when we wake up from sleep, we see many things around us with our eyes, which are made up of lenses where refraction occurs and are regulated by ciliary muscles that shift the focus to allow us to perceive any item.

However, many people struggle with physics because they don't grasp these concepts, and some may understand them but struggle because of the combination of theory, mathematics, and problem-solving.

Understanding physics requires more than memorizing its formulas; it also requires using them to solve the universe's riddle. Understanding physics requires breaking down difficult ideas into smaller forms and using mathematical terminology to describe the phenomena.

This blog will begin our trip from the beginning and make connections between the information and our everyday lives.

We can understand the Physics by adopting the following steps---

Step 1: Change your perception about Physics :

  • “Physics is Hard” is a myth. Physics is not a hard subject, people make it hard without studying it properly. If they studied it well, they would not say it. So, guys, change your perception about physics that it is hard. Physics looks hard because it requires a high level of thinking, and it develops through simple ideas, and gradually you will be able to understand the complex concept of physics.

  • Develop curiosity and problem-solving skills to understand physics, which is generally not taught but is learned through experience. 

  • You might see the rainbow in the rainy season, start questioning yourself how this phenomenon takes place. You will find an answer in Physics and then start exploring the mathematics involved in it. There are so many phenomena that can be explained through physics. 

Step 2: Build your foundation of mathematics 

  • The language of physics is mathematics, which helps us to understand the physics. So start building your concept in Algebra, Calculus, and Trigonometry.
  • So, use the mathematical knowledge to understand the physics. For example, the formula for  work in Physics is

  • W=FdcosθW = F \cdot d \cdot \cos\theta


    • W = Work done (Joules, J)
    • F = Force applied (Newtons, N)
    • d = Displacement of the object (meters, m)
    • θ = Angle between the force and displacement direction

    Special Cases:

    1. When force and displacement are in the same direction (θ = 0°): W=FdW = F \cdot d
    2. When force and displacement are perpendicular (θ = 90°): W=0(No work is done)W = 0 \quad (\text{No work is done})
    3. When force is applied opposite to displacement (θ = 180°): W=Fd(Negative work)W = -F \cdot d \quad (\text{Negative work})
     Here, both algebra and trigonometry help us understand how work is explained. 

Step 3: Focus on conceptual understanding: 

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of a particular phenomenon before solving any question. So, to learn the concept of work, first learn that work is defined by force and displacement in science. The work is only done when force is applied to an object and displacement takes place. If force is applied and no displacement takes place, no work is done here Î¸ = 90°. 
  • Now use the formula to understand the whole concept. 

Step 4: Visualize and Experiment 

Physics can be understood best through visualization and hands-on experiments. Try to 
  • understand the phenomenon happening around you, like every time you see yourself in the mirror, how the image is forming behind the mirror. It can be easily understood by the concept of reflection. 
  • You can also watch the animation on YouTube or simulation by visiting websites like PhET.
  • conduct an experiment at home, such as reflection by a mirror, reflection by water through a transparent glass, etc 

Step 5: Practice Problem-Solving 

Solving numerical problems is essential for academic physics. You can follow these steps 
  • Read and understand the numerical problem carefully.
  • Identify the given data and look at what to find.
  • Use proper formulas and principles to find the answer. 
  • Solve systematically and verify your answer through your teacher, senior, or you can submit your answer to chat, which may help you identify the mistakes that you have made. 
keep consistency in solving the problem. 

Step 5: Use effective Study Resources 

There are so many resources available on the internet which can help you to understand the physics. Some Resources are as : 
  • Book: Concept of Physics by H.C. Verma, The Feynman Lectures on Physics  by Richard Feynman, Fundamental of Physics by Halliday and Resnick
  • Free Online Resources: Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, YouTube Physics Tutorial, etc.

Step 5: Stay Curious and Patient 

To Understand Physics requires patience and curiosity. Don't get discouraged by complex topics; instead, break them down into smaller parts and understand them step by step.


Understanding physics is not about rote memorization, but rather it is to developing the logical approach to understand the universe. By building a strong foundation, practicing regularly, and using the right resources, anyone can excel in physics. Keep exploring, experimenting and asking questions --- physics is all about discovery!!

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